all postcodes in HU9 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU9 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU9 1SR 12 0 53.749239 -0.298935
HU9 1ST 82 0 53.745165 -0.310276
HU9 1SU 10 0 53.744284 -0.310933
HU9 1SW 74 0 53.744525 -0.312728
HU9 1SY 58 0 53.744311 -0.314132
HU9 1SZ 35 0 53.739012 -0.327914
HU9 1TA 5 5 53.7462 -0.29303
HU9 1TE 14 0 53.740029 -0.321551
HU9 1TF 25 0 53.739575 -0.328301
HU9 1TG 30 0 53.740701 -0.322707
HU9 1TH 35 0 53.742741 -0.323278
HU9 1TJ 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU9 1TL 53 4 53.741269 -0.32392
HU9 1TQ 9 8 53.742487 -0.327018
HU9 1TD 5 5 53.742214 -0.328015
HU9 1TR 1 1 53.742759 -0.320745
HU9 1TW 9 0 53.739932 -0.327499
HU9 1TX 27 0 53.740058 -0.326175
HU9 1TY 1 1 53.742805 -0.328507
HU9 1UA 1 1 53.744493 -0.323906