all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

find any address or company within the HX1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 3LL 10 0 53.716311 -1.876531
HX1 3LN 42 7 53.716107 -1.879108
HX1 3LR 16 0 53.716995 -1.877454
HX1 3LS 7 0 53.716421 -1.878925
HX1 3LT 14 0 53.716996 -1.878802
HX1 3LW 1 1 53.715308 -1.880201
HX1 3ND 3 3 53.715421 -1.879172
HX1 3NH 12 0 53.716027 -1.879548
HX1 3NP 7 0 53.716332 -1.879486
HX1 3NS 29 8 53.716783 -1.880939
HX1 3NU 14 0 53.717042 -1.879848
HX1 3PA 16 0 53.715318 -1.881474
HX1 3PB 6 0 53.715821 -1.881003
HX1 3PD 13 0 53.715759 -1.881336
HX1 3PE 14 0 53.71575 -1.881397
HX1 3PF 29 0 53.715517 -1.882125
HX1 3PH 20 2 53.716065 -1.882002
HX1 3PL 6 0 53.716451 -1.881198
HX1 3PN 5 0 53.716873 -1.88106
HX1 3PP 13 4 53.716165 -1.883366