all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

find any address or company within the HX1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 9AF 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9AW 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9AY 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9BS 1 1 53.724349 -1.85746
HX1 9DD 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9ET 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9FQ 1 0 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9JA 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9JD 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9JR 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9GF 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9GH 1 0 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9GJ 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9GL 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9GN 1 1 53.724349 -1.85746
HX1 9HE 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9HP 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9SZ 1 1 53.724428 -1.860731
HX1 9HR 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 9HS 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458