all postcodes in HX3 / HALIFAX

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
HX3 0BH14153.709355-1.860569
HX3 0BJ7053.708566-1.862435
HX3 0BL17053.708133-1.861012
HX3 0BN2053.7076-1.860955
HX3 0BP1053.708197-1.862406
HX3 0BQ5053.71011-1.861006
HX3 0BS31153.710741-1.862488
HX3 0BT27053.710989-1.861747
HX3 0BU4053.709878-1.861915
HX3 0BW5053.708053-1.861785
HX3 0BX16053.710767-1.86114
HX3 0BY1053.710577-1.860686
HX3 0BZ2053.711374-1.86073
HX3 0DA14053.711459-1.861077
HX3 0DB2053.711312-1.861231
HX3 0DD24053.708897-1.861479
HX3 0DE8053.710833-1.856397
HX3 0DH11053.711449-1.868592
HX3 0DJ10053.711427-1.865213
HX3 0DL24053.711985-1.865802