all postcodes in HX6 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX6 1PB 7 0 53.705842 -1.957562
HX6 1PD 6 0 53.707874 -1.958302
HX6 1PE 14 0 53.709246 -1.959226
HX6 1PF 6 0 53.709322 -1.962497
HX6 1PH 4 0 53.707078 -1.945653
HX6 1PJ 2 0 53.709216 -1.952014
HX6 1PL 16 0 53.700145 -1.939058
HX6 1PN 3 0 53.707437 -1.928155
HX6 1PQ 4 0 53.707745 -1.949985
HX6 1PP 2 0 53.707438 -1.948471
HX6 1JY 3 0 53.705503 -1.94252
HX6 1DT 4 0 53.707505 -1.922641
HX6 1AG 24 0 53.706816 -1.917584
HX6 1LP 5 0 53.705924 -1.939822
HX6 1AH 7 0 53.706203 -1.928553
HX6 2AA 1 1 53.70826 -1.908869
HX6 2AB 21 0 53.710342 -1.90544
HX6 2AD 16 0 53.708996 -1.90761
HX6 2AE 25 9 53.709245 -1.907989
HX6 2AF 23 9 53.709836 -1.90561