all postcodes in HX / Halifax

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District

HX / Halifax

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 4RS 12 0 53.727475 -1.886881
HX1 4RT 19 0 53.726406 -1.886914
HX1 4RU 16 0 53.727116 -1.886988
HX1 4RZ 0 53.728346 -1.885575
HX1 4AA 1 53.727729 -1.879211
HX1 4HL 0 53.721224 -1.891368
HX1 4PR 1 1 53.7274 -1.882668
HX1 4NQ 19 0 53.723419 -1.883588
HX1 4GQ 0 53.729485 -1.886301
HX1 4GG 0 53.729494 -1.886286
HX1 4AB 1 53.727729 -1.879211
HX1 5AB 8 53.721843 -1.864074
HX1 5AE 3 53.72206 -1.86477
HX1 5AF 2 53.721836 -1.865331
HX1 5AG 1 53.722232 -1.865648
HX1 5AS 3 53.722372 -1.865271
HX1 5AY 4 53.722789 -1.866177
HX1 5BA 2 53.723703 -1.86563
HX1 5BD 4 53.723796 -1.865931
HX1 5BE 2 53.724353 -1.865536