all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 1EQ 23 0 52.095849 1.31845
IP12 1ES 1 0 52.098115 1.31431
IP12 1ET 7 0 52.098672 1.313343
IP12 1EW 1 0 52.097872 1.314
IP12 1EX 6 0 52.098724 1.316006
IP12 1EY 5 0 52.09885 1.31473
IP12 1EZ 32 0 52.097771 1.321733
IP12 1GN 11 0 52.116061 1.333992
IP12 1GP 5 0 52.116477 1.334885
IP12 1HA 65 0 52.102878 1.305184
IP12 1HB 30 1 52.092538 1.321679
IP12 1HD 3 0 52.102663 1.305797
IP12 1HE 12 0 52.102872 1.306367
IP12 1HF 11 0 52.1031 1.306238
IP12 1HH 7 0 52.09844 1.312056
IP12 1HJ 16 0 52.099553 1.311481
IP12 1HL 60 0 52.096471 1.313925
IP12 1HN 31 0 52.095474 1.31702
IP12 1HP 19 0 52.095307 1.318468
IP12 1HQ 12 0 52.104035 1.315553