all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 1DP 1 1 52.093466 1.314929
IP12 1DQ 6 0 52.092683 1.319106
IP12 1DR 8 0 52.092949 1.315416
IP12 1DS 20 9 52.093113 1.31502
IP12 1DT 9 5 52.093385 1.318383
IP12 1DU 7 1 52.093991 1.318341
IP12 1DW 3 0 52.092898 1.316274
IP12 1DX 35 6 52.094253 1.316375
IP12 1DZ 36 2 52.093894 1.316333
IP12 1EA 7 1 52.093338 1.315635
IP12 1EB 33 7 52.094254 1.318901
IP12 1ED 15 1 52.094757 1.320442
IP12 1EE 12 1 52.094018 1.319292
IP12 1EF 12 0 52.095231 1.319631
IP12 1EG 28 1 52.095467 1.32013
IP12 1EH 14 0 52.096319 1.318047
IP12 1EJ 23 0 52.096079 1.317576
IP12 1EL 41 0 52.096678 1.315518
IP12 1EN 4 1 52.097641 1.314567
IP12 1EP 8 1 52.09651 1.320149