all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 4NJ 8 0 52.09899 1.311045
IP12 4AA 1 1 52.092047 1.315743
IP12 4AB 20 6 52.092067 1.315103
IP12 4AD 21 0 52.091014 1.312236
IP12 4AE 3 1 52.09029 1.310474
IP12 4AF 1 1 52.090536 1.310054
IP12 4AG 6 1 52.089957 1.310186
IP12 4AH 23 4 52.09169 1.314768
IP12 4AU 45 6 52.090973 1.315576
IP12 4AP 6 0 52.091785 1.315213
IP12 4AQ 9 0 52.090956 1.312713
IP12 4AR 7 0 52.092222 1.314705
IP12 4AS 1 0 52.09138 1.310759
IP12 4AT 5 0 52.090431 1.312192
IP12 4AX 16 0 52.090825 1.313229
IP12 4AY 11 0 52.090062 1.313406
IP12 4AZ 31 0 52.090147 1.312069
IP12 4BA 3 2 52.089489 1.313947
IP12 4BB 6 6 52.088098 1.316487
IP12 4BD 9 0 52.08824 1.311753