all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 4BE 24 0 52.089571 1.311734
IP12 4BH 4 0 52.091899 1.307015
IP12 4BJ 5 0 52.089656 1.309682
IP12 4BL 20 0 52.08911 1.310561
IP12 4BN 6 0 52.088716 1.311788
IP12 4BP 12 0 52.088437 1.310176
IP12 4BQ 33 0 52.089684 1.31478
IP12 4BS 7 0 52.089154 1.30836
IP12 4BT 18 0 52.087926 1.305962
IP12 4BU 14 0 52.088316 1.304867
IP12 4BW 10 1 52.088188 1.311033
IP12 4BX 14 1 52.087434 1.30137
IP12 4BY 20 1 52.086618 1.297762
IP12 4DA 5 0 52.087101 1.293651
IP12 4DD 22 0 52.083779 1.295407
IP12 4DE 42 0 52.08487 1.297793
IP12 4DF 11 0 52.08446 1.299326
IP12 4DG 5 0 52.084632 1.299922
IP12 4DH 14 0 52.086022 1.300405
IP12 4DJ 2 0 52.086319 1.302237