all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 4DL 21 1 52.083719 1.304264
IP12 4DN 7 0 52.080694 1.30823
IP12 4DP 1 0 52.086594 1.295336
IP12 4DQ 29 0 52.085962 1.298999
IP12 4DR 6 0 52.084926 1.297141
IP12 4DS 8 0 52.085998 1.297746
IP12 4DT 8 0 52.089704 1.305422
IP12 4DU 15 0 52.090014 1.303342
IP12 4DW 10 1 52.083585 1.299101
IP12 4DX 35 0 52.088849 1.30384
IP12 4DY 12 0 52.089814 1.301502
IP12 4DZ 10 0 52.091327 1.303045
IP12 4EA 52 0 52.088608 1.300245
IP12 4EB 12 0 52.089242 1.30073
IP12 4ED 14 0 52.088158 1.297686
IP12 4EE 12 0 52.088554 1.296387
IP12 4EF 17 0 52.087603 1.296302
IP12 4EG 6 0 52.088253 1.295576
IP12 4EH 18 0 52.088266 1.294146
IP12 4EJ 12 0 52.088778 1.293833