all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
IP13 0AA6152.1588751.373432
IP13 0AB8052.160521.376642
IP13 0AD3052.1675991.397569
IP13 0AE4052.1699961.39803
IP13 0AG11352.1684391.401495
IP13 0AH9052.1716641.403526
IP13 0AJ6052.1725131.404644
IP13 0AL17052.1736671.400811
IP13 0AN3052.1732071.397733
IP13 0AP3052.173141.397245
IP13 0AR3052.1731951.396899
IP13 0AS3052.1731341.396192
IP13 0AT10052.1735781.397337
IP13 0AU1052.1766331.396824
IP13 0AW1052.1731151.397492
IP13 0AX11052.1737311.40263
IP13 0AY4052.1693621.404725
IP13 0AZ4052.1710951.414161
IP13 0BA15152.173211.42095
IP13 0BB1052.1754131.412897