all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 0DH 1 0 52.164159 1.373613
IP13 0DJ 1 0 52.172253 1.3768
IP13 0DL 7 0 52.174844 1.379908
IP13 0DN 3 0 52.176664 1.379461
IP13 0DP 7 0 52.176977 1.381416
IP13 0DQ 4 0 52.186335 1.373449
IP13 0DR 32 0 52.181298 1.376901
IP13 0DS 9 1 52.182919 1.375268
IP13 0DT 28 1 52.18453 1.373663
IP13 0DU 4 0 52.184267 1.373731
IP13 0DW 8 0 52.177909 1.378107
IP13 0DX 3 0 52.182411 1.374776
IP13 0DY 10 1 52.182192 1.367663
IP13 0DZ 2 0 52.180515 1.364332
IP13 0EA 7 0 52.176801 1.352318
IP13 0EB 3 0 52.176005 1.344563
IP13 0ED 33 2 52.17775 1.340436
IP13 0EE 9 0 52.17934 1.337322
IP13 0EF 10 1 52.179265 1.335517
IP13 0EG 3 0 52.177774 1.330387