all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7RT 13 1 52.220321 1.264935
IP13 7RZ 10 0 52.220509 1.265608
IP13 7RU 27 0 52.217964 1.268189
IP13 7RW 4 0 52.225789 1.249944
IP13 7RX 9 0 52.216351 1.269285
IP13 7RY 9 0 52.213199 1.270064
IP13 7SA 54 8 52.221714 1.268845
IP13 7SB 4 0 52.222218 1.272397
IP13 7SD 2 0 52.22092 1.274454
IP13 7SE 1 0 52.222478 1.273397
IP13 7SF 7 1 52.223669 1.273309
IP13 7SG 24 4 52.226106 1.281719
IP13 7SH 5 0 52.230068 1.27378
IP13 7SJ 3 0 52.234325 1.274313
IP13 7SL 6 0 52.234413 1.285072
IP13 7SN 2 0 52.229387 1.293386
IP13 7SP 2 0 52.221325 1.285789
IP13 7SQ 12 0 52.2249 1.2746
IP13 7SW 3 0 52.222742 1.296863
IP13 7SY 4 0 52.223339 1.274134