all postcodes in IP17 / SAXMUNDHAM

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP17 3DL 11 0 52.272908 1.622318
IP17 3DN 11 0 52.272885 1.625117
IP17 3DP 4 0 52.273953 1.627257
IP17 3DQ 3 2 52.261645 1.627555
IP17 3DR 4 1 52.276848 1.630499
IP17 3DS 3 0 52.277802 1.632542
IP17 3DT 12 2 52.277466 1.630579
IP17 3DU 13 0 52.277552 1.629163
IP17 3DW 7 0 52.273063 1.626069
IP17 3BQ 1 0 52.273926 1.626081
IP17 3DX 3 0 52.277703 1.627181
IP17 3DY 2 0 52.276874 1.622245
IP17 3DZ 8 2 52.279353 1.624208
IP17 3EA 7 0 52.2938 1.629745
IP17 3EB 1 0 52.29255 1.627677
IP17 3ED 10 0 52.288525 1.610231
IP17 3EE 3 0 52.284945 1.591561
IP17 3EF 3 0 52.283727 1.593751
IP17 3EG 1 0 52.28044 1.586006
IP17 3EJ 25 0 52.263561 1.573149