all postcodes in IP17 / SAXMUNDHAM

find any address or company within the IP17 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP17 3BT 1 0 52.264991 1.559014
IP17 3EL 2 0 52.260864 1.558654
IP17 3EN 1 1 52.278386 1.63284
IP17 3EP 26 3 52.268197 1.506596
IP17 3EQ 5 0 52.278541 1.574355
IP17 3ER 8 3 52.267149 1.508155
IP17 3ES 6 0 52.266321 1.507869
IP17 3ET 2 0 52.267568 1.515636
IP17 3EU 38 2 52.266387 1.509575
IP17 3EX 20 1 52.264801 1.512221
IP17 3EY 2 0 52.264825 1.510507
IP17 3EZ 5 0 52.264334 1.510571
IP17 3HA 6 0 52.264322 1.509764
IP17 3HB 8 0 52.26374 1.509674
IP17 3HD 3 0 52.262887 1.508698
IP17 3HE 13 0 52.261264 1.507338
IP17 3HF 4 0 52.256869 1.510978
IP17 3HH 1 0 52.257979 1.504367
IP17 3HJ 1 0 52.263756 1.497142
IP17 3HL 9 1 52.2645 1.508415