all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

find any address or company within the IP21 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 5BA 14 0 52.343832 1.192106
IP21 5BB 18 2 52.340622 1.200039
IP21 5BD 17 0 52.339922 1.202631
IP21 5BE 11 0 52.352108 1.203882
IP21 5BJ 3 0 52.339615 1.203609
IP21 5BP 2 0 52.332713 1.205738
IP21 5BS 2 0 52.339036 1.23186
IP21 5BT 10 0 52.338862 1.24377
IP21 5BX 1 1 52.337829 1.239717
IP21 5BY 5 0 52.339004 1.245807
IP21 5BZ 6 1 52.350825 1.216109
IP21 5DA 2 0 52.352127 1.217849
IP21 5DB 6 1 52.327425 1.217362
IP21 5DE 9 1 52.326776 1.216434
IP21 5DF 36 0 52.322778 1.21858
IP21 5DG 3 1 52.313301 1.211158
IP21 5DH 7 0 52.322718 1.226606
IP21 5DJ 6 0 52.319039 1.226646
IP21 5DL 2 0 52.319518 1.228617
IP21 5DN 10 1 52.314168 1.218997