all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 5DP 2 0 52.311058 1.21861
IP21 5DQ 5 4 52.307458 1.219038
IP21 5DR 7 0 52.311058 1.21861
IP21 5DT 1 0 52.305213 1.224423
IP21 5DX 51 0 52.304981 1.234616
IP21 5DY 8 1 52.305996 1.241894
IP21 5DZ 3 0 52.309091 1.247345
IP21 5EA 3 1 52.315087 1.24589
IP21 5EB 1 0 52.31758 1.243871
IP21 5ED 5 0 52.299411 1.234328
IP21 5EE 12 0 52.304349 1.243477
IP21 5EF 7 0 52.300854 1.248253
IP21 5EG 5 0 52.297567 1.24455
IP21 5EH 14 0 52.295325 1.241966
IP21 5EJ 5 1 52.291938 1.235352
IP21 5EL 6 0 52.290897 1.249327
IP21 5EP 3 0 52.29209 1.256294
IP21 5EQ 6 0 52.304985 1.243245
IP21 5ER 7 0 52.296705 1.251689
IP21 5ES 5 1 52.296643 1.253871