all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

find any address or company within the IP21 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 4RB 6 0 52.422783 1.248595
IP21 4RD 28 2 52.420448 1.2511
IP21 4RE 5 0 52.420567 1.250683
IP21 4RF 4 0 52.420052 1.253395
IP21 4RG 4 0 52.419998 1.257304
IP21 4RJ 5 0 52.411392 1.255964
IP21 4RH 4 0 52.419478 1.252662
IP21 4RL 7 0 52.406738 1.259694
IP21 4RN 2 0 52.406935 1.252691
IP21 4RP 1 0 52.404357 1.255695
IP21 4RR 11 0 52.421326 1.250547
IP21 4RT 29 1 52.39802 1.245745
IP21 4RZ 14 0 52.398689 1.215403
IP21 4SH 2 0 52.429756 1.229285
IP21 4SJ 3 2 52.430261 1.230543
IP21 4SL 7 0 52.430271 1.230853
IP21 4SN 6 0 52.430963 1.231025
IP21 4SP 12 0 52.430319 1.231552
IP21 4SR 2 0 52.430026 1.231261
IP21 4SS 16 0 52.430093 1.227313