all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 4PF 5 0 52.392038 1.207275
IP21 4PG 1 0 52.391996 1.197217
IP21 4PH 15 1 52.386832 1.202282
IP21 4NE 2 0 52.386447 1.197327
IP21 4PJ 16 2 52.390301 1.187844
IP21 4PL 36 0 52.395971 1.196225
IP21 4PN 1 1 52.376665 1.109215
IP21 4PP 23 0 52.394589 1.191127
IP21 4PQ 1 0 52.404443 1.199558
IP21 4PR 6 0 52.3974 1.18664
IP21 4PT 1 0 52.388854 1.197019
IP21 4PW 12 0 52.396145 1.186784
IP21 4PX 30 0 52.396206 1.187553
IP21 4PS 2 0 52.39628 1.199567
IP21 4PY 11 0 52.396677 1.186102
IP21 4QA 4 0 52.393135 1.220203
IP21 4RX 13 1 52.39764 1.2276
IP21 4QB 13 0 52.394415 1.226324
IP21 4UD 3 1 52.395918 1.229933
IP21 4QD 12 3 52.39882 1.230704