all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 5HG 35 6 52.319071 1.271969
IP21 5HH 17 1 52.321102 1.271062
IP21 5HJ 3 0 52.321754 1.270245
IP21 5HL 1 1 52.322084 1.268626
IP21 5HN 8 0 52.322876 1.270004
IP21 5HP 35 0 52.322897 1.272399
IP21 5HQ 36 0 52.32296 1.273768
IP21 5HR 1 0 52.324576 1.270865
IP21 5HS 12 1 52.317683 1.27197
IP21 5HT 15 4 52.31792 1.27347
IP21 5HU 17 0 52.317523 1.274512
IP21 5HW 7 0 52.319828 1.28798
IP21 5HX 27 1 52.318778 1.277349
IP21 5HY 3 0 52.318338 1.282395
IP21 5HZ 38 0 52.319479 1.275332
IP21 5JA 12 0 52.318465 1.276534
IP21 5JB 5 0 52.31331 1.271061
IP21 5JD 16 0 52.319308 1.27369
IP21 5JE 6 1 52.318269 1.281729
IP21 5JF 12 0 52.315667 1.272423