all postcodes in IP21 / EYE

find any address or company within the IP21 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP21 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP21 5LG 7 0 52.296178 1.271352
IP21 5LH 9 1 52.29198 1.273609
IP21 5LJ 4 0 52.300094 1.286106
IP21 5LQ 21 0 52.319899 1.276815
IP21 5LR 11 2 52.296695 1.290988
IP21 5LS 9 0 52.293692 1.295797
IP21 5LU 6 0 52.300196 1.308589
IP21 5LX 9 0 52.305441 1.301497
IP21 5LW 4 0 52.293818 1.303756
IP21 5LY 5 0 52.311209 1.299696
IP21 5NA 3 0 52.328679 1.274368
IP21 5NB 2 1 52.327886 1.273545
IP21 5ND 5 0 52.334582 1.259638
IP21 5NE 12 0 52.330219 1.260417
IP21 5NF 7 0 52.329936 1.278115
IP21 5NG 5 0 52.329576 1.28838
IP21 5NH 14 1 52.332249 1.303861
IP21 5NJ 14 0 52.323373 1.310143
IP21 5NL 10 2 52.313983 1.316324
IP21 5NN 2 0 52.322417 1.324074