all postcodes in IP23 / DISS

find any address or company within the IP23 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP23 7BG 19 0 52.32215 1.147466
IP23 7BJ 15 0 52.323524 1.142485
IP23 7BL 27 5 52.323788 1.139657
IP23 7BN 14 0 52.324552 1.141355
IP23 7BP 23 0 52.324639 1.142476
IP23 7BQ 9 0 52.323228 1.142098
IP23 7BS 30 0 52.324935 1.148266
IP23 7BT 2 0 52.325079 1.145223
IP23 7BW 29 0 52.32433 1.139211
IP23 7BX 4 0 52.324509 1.144597
IP23 7BY 51 0 52.32514 1.146636
IP23 7BZ 9 0 52.323755 1.146584
IP23 7DA 60 0 52.323832 1.148452
IP23 7DB 1 0 52.323562 1.147112
IP23 7DD 4 4 52.32325 1.140208
IP23 7DE 47 0 52.324074 1.137358
IP23 7DJ 10 0 52.319646 1.145249
IP23 7DN 2 0 52.314757 1.124783
IP23 7DP 3 0 52.319365 1.139564
IP23 7DR 3 0 52.313513 1.13099