all postcodes in IP23 / DISS

find any address or company within the IP23 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP23 7DS 13 1 52.30049 1.127607
IP23 7DT 3 0 52.303958 1.122643
IP23 7DU 4 0 52.321969 1.146837
IP23 7DZ 6 0 52.295054 1.113099
IP23 7EA 2 0 52.293046 1.12305
IP23 7EB 4 0 52.269027 1.109647
IP23 7ED 9 1 52.272197 1.100956
IP23 7EE 22 0 52.27139 1.094683
IP23 7EF 4 0 52.268204 1.090665
IP23 7EH 4 0 52.271706 1.101156
IP23 7EJ 14 0 52.269713 1.096926
IP23 7EL 3 0 52.277855 1.102318
IP23 7EZ 1 1 52.281253 1.097936
IP23 7EN 2 0 52.282045 1.099619
IP23 7EP 28 0 52.289133 1.100276
IP23 7ER 4 0 52.288915 1.112287
IP23 7ES 8 3 52.287665 1.092753
IP23 7ET 4 1 52.29121 1.099204
IP23 7EU 8 0 52.299926 1.099168
IP23 7EW 34 1 52.285208 1.103786