all postcodes in IP25 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP25 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP25 6QS 5 0 52.553441 0.809279
IP25 6QT 4 0 52.552379 0.80187
IP25 6QU 7 0 52.554892 0.810286
IP25 6QW 1 0 52.551462 0.815349
IP25 6QX 7 0 52.555201 0.813537
IP25 6QY 5 0 52.563252 0.821357
IP25 6RA 3 0 52.573327 0.853502
IP25 6RB 29 0 52.573493 0.849233
IP25 6RD 13 0 52.572554 0.843386
IP25 6RE 66 0 52.575385 0.840071
IP25 6RF 26 0 52.565924 0.831859
IP25 6RG 7 1 52.558117 0.862946
IP25 6RH 4 0 52.551224 0.860875
IP25 6RJ 13 0 52.570857 0.815071
IP25 6RL 1 1 52.552512 0.858752
IP25 6RN 13 0 52.55837 0.861783
IP25 6RQ 6 0 52.557179 0.860466
IP25 6RR 16 5 52.58415 0.82896
IP25 6RS 5 0 52.588278 0.830053
IP25 6RT 30 0 52.584822 0.837315