all postcodes in IP25 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP25 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP25 6PR 0 52.552368 0.848666
IP25 6PS 2 0 52.555466 0.844013
IP25 6PT 17 0 52.551272 0.861129
IP25 6PU 1 1 52.551299 0.866323
IP25 6PW 1 0 52.549267 0.857384
IP25 6PX 4 0 52.551172 0.868785
IP25 6PY 14 1 52.552395 0.8634
IP25 6PZ 25 0 52.551776 0.864481
IP25 6QA 29 6 52.555885 0.863191
IP25 6QD 16 2 52.556765 0.868796
IP25 6QE 25 0 52.558686 0.865064
IP25 6QF 5 1 52.558133 0.863774
IP25 6QG 3 0 52.545999 0.842627
IP25 6QH 6 0 52.548496 0.820204
IP25 6QJ 8 1 52.543987 0.8181
IP25 6QL 6 1 52.546985 0.824739
IP25 6QN 2 0 52.541044 0.818316
IP25 6QP 6 0 52.552743 0.81217
IP25 6QQ 5 0 52.553661 0.835864
IP25 6QR 6 0 52.554016 0.810821