all postcodes in IP25 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP25 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP25 7RL 1 0 52.610666 0.860525
IP25 7RN 7 1 52.609063 0.863041
IP25 7RP 9 0 52.610965 0.883029
IP25 7RQ 2 0 52.609197 0.844791
IP25 7RR 15 4 52.619972 0.875405
IP25 7RW 7 0 52.604204 0.872998
IP25 7RX 10 0 52.641917 0.840272
IP25 7SA 3 1 52.616512 0.910313
IP25 7SD 14 11 52.623731 0.941307
IP25 7SG 1 1 52.602115 0.930686
IP25 7SH 20 2 52.603373 0.926738
IP25 7SJ 32 0 52.60573 0.923778
IP25 7SL 3 1 52.604554 0.855021
IP25 7SP 1 1 52.622499 0.942762
IP25 7SQ 3 0 52.602479 0.927609
IP25 7SU 18 0 52.603924 0.945134
IP25 7SX 18 0 52.611284 0.943714
IP25 7SY 1 0 52.61597 0.944939
IP25 7SZ 6 0 52.615107 0.940965
IP25 7TA 1 0 52.611588 0.935249