all postcodes in IP25 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP25 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP25 7QL 36 1 52.638972 0.849098
IP25 7QN 52 0 52.642477 0.842038
IP25 7QP 5 0 52.651635 0.840044
IP25 7QR 6 1 52.653018 0.841982
IP25 7QQ 11 0 52.646783 0.899963
IP25 7QS 8 0 52.648702 0.840859
IP25 7QT 1 0 52.646555 0.833623
IP25 7QU 20 0 52.642339 0.833942
IP25 7QW 38 0 52.642584 0.840211
IP25 7QX 17 1 52.63811 0.826327
IP25 7QY 26 0 52.63793 0.831794
IP25 7QZ 12 1 52.646825 0.81893
IP25 7RA 41 2 52.640155 0.839152
IP25 7RB 16 0 52.640586 0.841767
IP25 7RD 6 0 52.630996 0.856531
IP25 7RE 3 1 52.622981 0.852349
IP25 7RG 3 0 52.621452 0.846556
IP25 7RF 4 0 52.619092 0.838498
IP25 7RJ 2 0 52.603728 0.84225
IP25 7RH 7 0 52.609501 0.849178