all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 6RT 22 3 52.265395 0.632877
IP28 6RW 31 0 52.264238 0.643976
IP28 6RX 6 6 52.257907 0.644391
IP28 6RZ 1 1 52.257506 0.635413
IP28 6SA 50 1 52.314132 0.546104
IP28 6SP 4 0 52.314584 0.54387
IP28 6SB 3 0 52.314174 0.547456
IP28 6SD 31 0 52.315053 0.547595
IP28 6SE 30 3 52.312384 0.550798
IP28 6SG 13 0 52.309137 0.550817
IP28 6SJ 4 0 52.316119 0.542755
IP28 6SL 4 0 52.313279 0.548124
IP28 6SN 3 0 52.308242 0.525579
IP28 6SQ 27 4 52.316198 0.543288
IP28 6SR 8 2 52.308854 0.509095
IP28 6SS 6 1 52.300759 0.511685
IP28 6ST 40 0 52.301465 0.521629
IP28 6SU 3 0 52.289107 0.513712
IP28 6SW 11 0 52.309914 0.52139
IP28 6SX 3 1 52.3043 0.528655