all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 4PQ 18 0 52.160772 0.710232
IP29 4PR 7 0 52.159724 0.707288
IP29 4PS 9 0 52.161923 0.703576
IP29 4PT 2 0 52.164841 0.699468
IP29 4PW 38 0 52.160196 0.71533
IP29 4PX 15 1 52.15644 0.706211
IP29 4PY 10 0 52.149078 0.71037
IP29 4PZ 19 0 52.16173 0.712762
IP29 4QA 16 2 52.155072 0.726159
IP29 4QB 12 0 52.154682 0.729396
IP29 4QD 9 0 52.15494 0.732613
IP29 4QE 8 0 52.149869 0.735694
IP29 4QF 8 0 52.152065 0.736019
IP29 4QG 10 0 52.150996 0.741363
IP29 4QH 3 0 52.150871 0.745215
IP29 4QJ 12 0 52.148982 0.74678
IP29 4QL 9 0 52.162667 0.712366
IP29 4QT 2 0 52.155514 0.732692
IP29 4QU 9 0 52.162561 0.733329
IP29 4RA 4 0 52.167218 0.738807