all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 4RB 3 1 52.17276 0.744106
IP29 4RD 7 0 52.169799 0.750022
IP29 4RE 6 0 52.174414 0.752252
IP29 4RF 12 0 52.174892 0.751419
IP29 4RG 10 0 52.174535 0.753254
IP29 4RH 22 0 52.173948 0.756407
IP29 4RJ 9 0 52.174853 0.755044
IP29 4RL 2 0 52.175244 0.754395
IP29 4RN 18 0 52.175621 0.752561
IP29 4RQ 9 0 52.173641 0.754954
IP29 4RR 4 1 52.175843 0.753847
IP29 4RS 17 0 52.176938 0.75314
IP29 4RT 31 0 52.176447 0.751866
IP29 4RU 9 0 52.179144 0.751111
IP29 4RX 7 2 52.182883 0.749294
IP29 4RZ 1 0 52.190911 0.741302
IP29 4SA 7 0 52.181779 0.747236
IP29 4SB 2 0 52.173311 0.738917
IP29 4SD 3 0 52.169745 0.725609
IP29 4SE 6 0 52.176028 0.716778