all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0LW 11 3 52.179282 0.765207
IP30 0LX 2 0 52.157401 0.760575
IP30 0LY 34 0 52.15911 0.768284
IP30 0ND 2 0 52.151007 0.79341
IP30 0NG 12 0 52.137219 0.813126
IP30 0NH 6 0 52.135047 0.825733
IP30 0NJ 13 1 52.139454 0.828701
IP30 0NL 1 0 52.137105 0.831388
IP30 0NN 3 0 52.137466 0.837344
IP30 0NP 5 0 52.146025 0.831148
IP30 0NQ 4 0 52.133765 0.809752
IP30 0NR 19 0 52.147771 0.836331
IP30 0NS 4 0 52.156542 0.838426
IP30 0NT 12 1 52.158011 0.832671
IP30 0NU 2 0 52.157702 0.825326
IP30 0NW 13 1 52.143545 0.83548
IP30 0NX 1 0 52.158768 0.832631
IP30 0NZ 11 0 52.155071 0.822147
IP30 0PA 3 0 52.150163 0.822802
IP30 0PB 1 0 52.158481 0.824014