all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0JH 1 1 52.146239 0.766462
IP30 0JJ 3 0 52.137667 0.75953
IP30 0JL 4 0 52.140654 0.759861
IP30 0JN 3 0 52.143304 0.753914
IP30 0JP 6 1 52.148708 0.755432
IP30 0JQ 6 0 52.138383 0.784538
IP30 0JR 3 0 52.15665 0.777212
IP30 0JW 4 1 52.147491 0.759377
IP30 0LA 7 2 52.158902 0.782498
IP30 0LB 17 0 52.161874 0.775344
IP30 0LG 40 2 52.166136 0.771178
IP30 0LH 6 5 52.167064 0.774993
IP30 0LJ 3 1 52.169435 0.764728
IP30 0LL 2 0 52.171376 0.762508
IP30 0LN 4 3 52.171087 0.764932
IP30 0LP 20 0 52.185508 0.765096
IP30 0LQ 16 2 52.167916 0.772736
IP30 0LR 16 1 52.184297 0.767259
IP30 0LS 5 0 52.168291 0.763355
IP30 0LU 16 0 52.181534 0.77231