all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0QG 6 0 52.182977 0.842714
IP30 0QH 15 0 52.17863 0.843256
IP30 0QJ 29 0 52.177696 0.841324
IP30 0QL 14 0 52.176899 0.841932
IP30 0QN 3 0 52.176987 0.838295
IP30 0QP 10 0 52.172235 0.826057
IP30 0QQ 3 0 52.179279 0.844658
IP30 0QR 7 0 52.178209 0.84282
IP30 0QS 24 0 52.178158 0.846808
IP30 0QT 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP30 0QW 7 0 52.168638 0.832116
IP30 0QX 4 0 52.184238 0.852715
IP30 0QY 8 0 52.188618 0.892968
IP30 0QZ 21 0 52.195154 0.892339
IP30 0RA 29 1 52.193889 0.89144
IP30 0RD 5 0 52.194267 0.893601
IP30 0RE 6 0 52.195282 0.894033
IP30 0RF 4 0 52.193282 0.890874
IP30 0RG 4 0 52.19374 0.89276
IP30 0RH 6 0 52.192814 0.893111