all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0RJ 3 1 52.193079 0.892572
IP30 0RL 14 1 52.192619 0.891531
IP30 0RN 10 0 52.204897 0.899135
IP30 0RP 3 0 52.196201 0.917345
IP30 0RQ 5 0 52.193463 0.893768
IP30 0RR 9 0 52.196537 0.902264
IP30 0RS 4 0 52.196209 0.895483
IP30 0RT 26 0 52.193641 0.894978
IP30 0RU 3 0 52.190808 0.899739
IP30 0RW 2 0 52.196852 0.92298
IP30 0RX 18 0 52.186937 0.896971
IP30 0RY 4 0 52.190026 0.891248
IP30 0RZ 10 6 52.204127 0.893495
IP30 0SA 5 0 52.194037 0.894186
IP30 0SB 6 0 52.193148 0.889414
IP30 0SD 1 0 52.192922 0.889797
IP30 0SE 7 1 52.193476 0.889189
IP30 0SF 3 0 52.192907 0.888213
IP30 0SG 5 0 52.189645 0.873356
IP30 0SH 2 0 52.187916 0.879712