all postcodes in IP31 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP31 2AA 21 0 52.325114 0.884609
IP31 2AB 29 0 52.32805 0.882965
IP31 2BA 8 0 52.32815 0.880697
IP31 2AD 16 6 52.330029 0.881465
IP31 2AE 13 0 52.324812 0.887774
IP31 2AF 32 0 52.323916 0.887246
IP31 2AG 6 0 52.323053 0.886515
IP31 2AH 2 0 52.322885 0.886827
IP31 2AJ 9 0 52.32307 0.887294
IP31 2AL 32 0 52.322054 0.887668
IP31 2AN 2 0 52.321896 0.88826
IP31 2AP 12 0 52.316695 0.902713
IP31 2AQ 20 0 52.32294 0.885246
IP31 2AR 43 37 52.316911 0.910358
IP31 2AT 7 0 52.324375 0.886132
IP31 2AW 2 1 52.322322 0.888889
IP31 2AX 26 0 52.322402 0.886311
IP31 2AY 50 1 52.319513 0.902163
IP31 2AZ 37 0 52.318514 0.903639
IP31 2BB 5 2 52.322516 0.901832