all postcodes in IP32 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP32 6TL 0 52.259297 0.694652
IP32 6TP 1 52.255523 0.700446
IP32 6WA 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP32 6WF 0 52.242165 0.753105
IP32 6BF 38 0 52.256573 0.708349
IP32 6BJ 0 52.251939 0.713943
IP32 6AR 24 0 52.252414 0.713239
IP32 6BP 43 0 52.252596 0.713954
IP32 6BD 17 0 52.252225 0.713667
IP32 6LJ 5 52.268788 0.703158
IP32 6EY 0 52.25439 0.711015
IP32 6EZ 0 52.254365 0.712113
IP32 6GA 8 0 52.25834 0.69562
IP32 6HQ 7 0 52.266642 0.702998
IP32 6TR 9 0 52.264589 0.69245
IP32 7AA 0 52.244084 0.749121
IP32 7AB 43 52.2512 0.726132
IP32 7AD 1 52.252833 0.722789
IP32 7AG 0 52.24834 0.737414
IP32 7AL 0 52.248333 0.738498