all postcodes in IP32 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP32 7AP 1 52.253329 0.73167
IP32 7AR 28 52.240995 0.751156
IP32 7AU 0 52.250203 0.728811
IP32 7AW 0 52.248163 0.745037
IP32 7AX 0 52.250849 0.730038
IP32 7AY 2 52.251547 0.729773
IP32 7AZ 2 52.253946 0.729876
IP32 7BA 0 52.253567 0.729164
IP32 7BB 1 52.255472 0.725689
IP32 7BD 0 52.256496 0.734296
IP32 7BE 22 52.251978 0.735235
IP32 7BG 1 52.251827 0.732838
IP32 7BH 2 52.248185 0.727793
IP32 7BJ 1 52.246423 0.737868
IP32 7BL 2 52.246433 0.738176
IP32 7BN 2 52.24703 0.726725
IP32 7BS 15 52.239767 0.747961
IP32 7BT 2 52.239321 0.740417
IP32 7BX 18 52.240886 0.747005
IP32 7BY 16 52.239589 0.743629