all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 3BE 0 52.248663 0.703075
IP33 3BG 0 52.249901 0.701291
IP33 3BH 1 52.25144 0.703568
IP33 3BJ 1 52.250045 0.703234
IP33 3BL 0 52.249986 0.703831
IP33 3BN 0 52.24859 0.703922
IP33 3BP 0 52.245687 0.705034
IP33 3BQ 0 52.249301 0.701577
IP33 3BS 0 52.246095 0.704488
IP33 3BT 0 52.245148 0.705016
IP33 3BU 0 52.244686 0.705574
IP33 3BW 0 52.246511 0.704777
IP33 3BX 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 3DA 0 52.238218 0.700933
IP33 3DB 0 52.241427 0.705303
IP33 3DD 0 52.245322 0.704499
IP33 3DE 1 52.244621 0.709935
IP33 3DJ 10 52.244778 0.708582
IP33 3DF 0 52.245668 0.703539
IP33 3DG 3 52.244875 0.709423