all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 1AE 2 52.248776 0.717309
IP33 1AX 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 1AY 0 52.250912 0.716386
IP33 1AZ 0 52.251539 0.716483
IP33 1BE 14 52.245002 0.71179
IP33 1BH 1 52.245435 0.7117
IP33 1BJ 19 52.245324 0.712571
IP33 1BQ 1 52.245345 0.711694
IP33 1BS 4 52.245427 0.711289
IP33 1BT 5 52.245524 0.712145
IP33 1BX 1 52.245611 0.711491
IP33 1BZ 1 52.245882 0.712591
IP33 1DA 1 52.245898 0.712695
IP33 1DB 13 52.245355 0.712823
IP33 1DE 1 52.245428 0.712783
IP33 1DT 1 52.245915 0.713502
IP33 1DW 13 52.245334 0.713364
IP33 1DX 7 52.246299 0.712866
IP33 1DY 15 52.246206 0.71179
IP33 1EA 7 52.246884 0.711671