all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 9HD 1 0 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HE 1 0 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HF 1 0 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HL 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HP 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HQ 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HR 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HU 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HW 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9HZ 1 0 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9JJ 1 0 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9ZZ 1 1 52.251474 0.697005
IP33 9JQ 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 9JR 1 1 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JS 1 1 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JT 1 1 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JU 1 0 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JW 1 0 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JX 1 1 52.242181 0.753134
IP33 9JZ 1 0 52.242181 0.753134