all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
IP33 1QX052.2429690.716472
IP33 1QZ052.2431930.716119
IP33 1RD052.2436250.716131
IP33 1RE152.2424230.715999
IP33 1RF152.2442120.715169
IP33 1RG652.2435580.715101
IP33 1RH152.2432240.71363
IP33 1RL152.2432930.712565
IP33 1RS052.2435250.718527
IP33 1RT252.2423820.718135
IP33 1RX152.2423090.720167
IP33 1RY152.2417450.718492
IP33 1SD752.2464750.711015
IP33 1SJ2152.2481240.712098
IP33 1SN752.2489610.712047
IP33 1SP352.2498130.712963
IP33 1SQ2952.2473310.711786
IP33 1ST052.2512970.713317
IP33 1SW152.2496520.712073
IP33 1SX052.2507440.713137