all postcodes in IP4 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP4 5SB 5 0 52.052606 1.202776
IP4 5SD 8 0 52.053532 1.203134
IP4 5SE 15 0 52.053092 1.20443
IP4 5SF 15 0 52.052037 1.205186
IP4 5SG 9 0 52.05268 1.204371
IP4 5SH 39 0 52.05173 1.203589
IP4 5SJ 10 0 52.052494 1.20392
IP4 5SL 15 0 52.053843 1.202281
IP4 5SP 7 0 52.05611 1.202283
IP4 5SQ 9 0 52.051975 1.204496
IP4 5SR 26 0 52.057782 1.201293
IP4 5SS 29 0 52.059921 1.200031
IP4 5ST 30 0 52.060134 1.199171
IP4 5SU 51 1 52.054736 1.217036
IP4 5SW 1 1 52.047521 1.228931
IP4 5SY 1 0 52.048347 1.22832
IP4 5SZ 25 0 52.047515 1.210741
IP4 5TA 9 0 52.049432 1.20869
IP4 5TB 9 0 52.049265 1.211202
IP4 5TD 14 0 52.049105 1.208506