all postcodes in IP4 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP4 5PY 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP4 5PZ 12 0 52.057695 1.203505
IP4 5QA 34 0 52.058439 1.203281
IP4 5QB 9 0 52.058977 1.202678
IP4 5QD 31 0 52.05968 1.203618
IP4 5QE 6 0 52.060361 1.204046
IP4 5QF 10 0 52.059986 1.204588
IP4 5QG 16 0 52.054627 1.220384
IP4 5QH 6 0 52.061072 1.204695
IP4 5QJ 12 0 52.061699 1.203777
IP4 5QL 20 0 52.062035 1.201335
IP4 5QN 25 12 52.061493 1.198349
IP4 5QP 10 1 52.060675 1.194788
IP4 5QQ 1 1 52.059104 1.204613
IP4 5QR 4 0 52.054592 1.219667
IP4 5QT 13 0 52.055637 1.218954
IP4 5QU 24 0 52.055818 1.219901
IP4 5QW 10 0 52.054453 1.221451
IP4 5QX 8 0 52.055459 1.220867
IP4 5QY 21 0 52.054928 1.220202