all postcodes in IV2 / INVERNESS

find any address or company within the IV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV2 4LF 8 1 57.457405 -4.232499
IV2 4LG 19 0 57.457467 -4.235121
IV2 4LH 11 0 57.456787 -4.235929
IV2 4LL 19 0 57.454427 -4.236269
IV2 4LN 19 0 57.454456 -4.235153
IV2 4LP 28 0 57.454259 -4.238625
IV2 4LQ 8 0 57.457332 -4.236646
IV2 4LR 8 0 57.454023 -4.238811
IV2 4LS 38 0 57.453366 -4.238838
IV2 4LT 5 0 57.45887 -4.23554
IV2 4LU 7 0 57.458937 -4.234777
IV2 4LW 1 0 57.455528 -4.234969
IV2 4LX 37 0 57.455248 -4.237086
IV2 4LY 4 0 57.458161 -4.23648
IV2 4LZ 36 0 57.455972 -4.237813
IV2 4NA 16 0 57.46521 -4.219952
IV2 4NB 19 0 57.464305 -4.222882
IV2 4ND 32 0 57.466044 -4.223105
IV2 4NE 30 0 57.465122 -4.223415
IV2 4NF 12 0 57.463086 -4.221691