all postcodes in IV2 / INVERNESS

find any address or company within the IV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV2 4NG 9 0 57.46322 -4.220199
IV2 4NH 11 0 57.463162 -4.218411
IV2 4NJ 8 0 57.462222 -4.222322
IV2 4NL 17 0 57.463004 -4.223287
IV2 4NN 4 0 57.462183 -4.220419
IV2 4NP 17 0 57.461633 -4.220052
IV2 4NQ 25 0 57.464139 -4.21852
IV2 4NR 9 0 57.460639 -4.220441
IV2 4NS 2 0 57.460416 -4.221395
IV2 4NT 9 0 57.461605 -4.223669
IV2 4NU 26 0 57.460618 -4.223575
IV2 4NW 5 0 57.460967 -4.221195
IV2 4NX 27 0 57.461089 -4.224354
IV2 4NY 8 0 57.45962 -4.224231
IV2 4NZ 4 3 57.458139 -4.227191
IV2 4PA 5 0 57.464241 -4.219393
IV2 4PE 49 0 57.449687 -4.241113
IV2 4PF 5 4 57.460485 -4.204143
IV2 4PG 27 0 57.458776 -4.214361
IV2 4PH 37 0 57.459286 -4.211424