all postcodes in IV2 / INVERNESS

find any address or company within the IV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV2 7UY 40 0 57.483476 -4.150075
IV2 7AB 1 0 57.487267 -4.138468
IV2 7WB 20 4 57.488505 -4.135971
IV2 7WE 1 1 57.479403 -4.226319
IV2 7WG 1 1 57.479403 -4.226319
IV2 7WL 9 8 57.485117 -4.143381
IV2 7WR 42 0 57.493951 -4.136423
IV2 7WS 51 0 57.494852 -4.139429
IV2 7WX 64 0 57.481028 -4.142358
IV2 7WY 64 0 57.480065 -4.141434
IV2 7WZ 72 0 57.480287 -4.143665
IV2 7XB 38 24 57.541578 -4.070987
IV2 7XL 40 0 57.487575 -4.130912
IV2 7YE 1 1 57.479403 -4.226319
IV2 7YF 1 1 57.479403 -4.226319
IV2 7YU 1 1 57.481656 -4.142561
IV2 7PG 42 0 57.477765 -4.152458
IV2 7QA 5 0 57.574808 -3.9781
IV2 7PL 0 57.477573 -4.152163
IV2 7PH 0 57.47699 -4.153697