all postcodes in IV2 / INVERNESS

find any address or company within the IV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV2 7LT 37 0 57.483348 -4.140658
IV2 7LU 44 0 57.478646 -4.147739
IV2 7LW 10 0 57.487079 -4.146399
IV2 7LX 30 0 57.479081 -4.146414
IV2 7LY 46 0 57.478491 -4.146796
IV2 7LZ 56 0 57.489884 -4.145746
IV2 7NA 50 0 57.490957 -4.145509
IV2 7NB 48 0 57.489162 -4.147539
IV2 7ND 36 0 57.488802 -4.145433
IV2 7NE 36 0 57.48816 -4.146212
IV2 7NF 34 0 57.490126 -4.144726
IV2 7NG 52 0 57.489526 -4.129207
IV2 7NH 41 0 57.477555 -4.156899
IV2 7NJ 1 0 57.477338 -4.151165
IV2 7NL 25 2 57.482722 -4.147478
IV2 7NN 18 0 57.482093 -4.148426
IV2 7NP 12 0 57.484219 -4.148617
IV2 7NR 47 0 57.484033 -4.147455
IV2 7NS 3 0 57.488815 -4.166757
IV2 7NT 4 0 57.494279 -4.158286