all postcodes in KA13 / KILWINNING

find any address or company within the KA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA13 6RS 23 0 55.65523 -4.71981
KA13 6RT 26 0 55.654946 -4.718026
KA13 6RU 19 0 55.654621 -4.719291
KA13 6RW 34 0 55.654622 -4.716
KA13 6RX 12 0 55.654114 -4.719033
KA13 6RY 21 0 55.654763 -4.721781
KA13 6RZ 35 0 55.654012 -4.720791
KA13 6SE 1 1 55.649133 -4.710994
KA13 6SF 30 0 55.652243 -4.708538
KA13 6SG 32 0 55.653541 -4.710393
KA13 6SH 24 0 55.652014 -4.70954
KA13 6SJ 26 0 55.652403 -4.711061
KA13 6SL 34 1 55.651535 -4.709268
KA13 6SN 14 0 55.651911 -4.711345
KA13 6SP 52 0 55.650854 -4.709587
KA13 6SQ 36 0 55.652727 -4.710225
KA13 6SR 30 0 55.650218 -4.708668
KA13 6SS 36 0 55.649616 -4.708643
KA13 6ST 36 0 55.650628 -4.710445
KA13 6SU 29 0 55.649848 -4.710757