all postcodes in KA13 / KILWINNING

find any address or company within the KA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA13 6QR 53 0 55.652401 -4.725337
KA13 6QS 17 0 55.650886 -4.725565
KA13 6QT 13 0 55.652679 -4.72658
KA13 6QU 13 0 55.651962 -4.726896
KA13 6QW 15 0 55.65152 -4.725339
KA13 6QX 15 0 55.651191 -4.727208
KA13 6QY 9 0 55.652586 -4.724316
KA13 6RA 11 0 55.657843 -4.718306
KA13 6RB 36 0 55.656743 -4.719661
KA13 6RD 9 0 55.657229 -4.718406
KA13 6RE 18 0 55.657315 -4.717761
KA13 6RF 3 0 55.656433 -4.717032
KA13 6RG 20 0 55.656586 -4.716613
KA13 6RH 22 0 55.656375 -4.71884
KA13 6RJ 7 0 55.655121 -4.714143
KA13 6RL 26 0 55.655514 -4.715903
KA13 6RN 8 0 55.656115 -4.713909
KA13 6RP 14 0 55.655916 -4.720859
KA13 6RQ 26 0 55.655932 -4.717712
KA13 6RR 15 0 55.65552 -4.72088